Skype Conversation between Sze Wei & Me 1 day last week (a little part of it)
"eh, Sing Yin, i really miss the beach in Brunei" Sze Wei said while munching something (her dinner maybe?)
"u didnt bring the **photo album we compiled for you meh" i exclaimed O_O
"erm... sorry ar, last time overweight, so have to take out the photo albums......"
I heard liau a bit sad but because ur luggages were overweight, i forgive u this time. =P
**before Sze Wei left for UK last month, me n xio li had took some time compiling and decorating a photo album of ours so that she can look at our pics whenever she misses us
Anyway, i will post some of our pics and Brunei pictures here for you to see whenever u miss here or us lo
Hajimemashou ka?
Jerudong n Empire
The JP Beach lo
The Mall (c the Cineplex at the left hand top corner? the bright bright 1)
Ok, i done with tat, now to put some of our pics hor

Wanted !!!! (for trying to act cute)

Our Avanza Treasure Hunt @ Team 58

Me, sleepy but excited (contradiction eh.. how can excited but still sleepy)
Passenger #1 Reporting from the back seat (in my own car)

Navigator tryin to ham tam all our buns
"Xio Li, dun eat all the buns bah, so greedy eh, this gal. The buns are for all of us u know. Our Breakfast le, no eat breakfast how to use brain..... (nag nag nag)" 吵死人了!!!

I caught Sze Wei while she was drinkin!!!! XD
“我说过多少次, 不要乱乱拍我啦!"

First Timer hunters trying to hunt -.-"
Dinner @ Excapade on 9 September 2006


We Miss You, Sze Wei.
gan dong le..thanx for posting wo..i copy some of the pic and post it on my desktop le..hehe...thanx thanx..but bu hao yi shi eh..u post on the blog ahh..*hug* i miss u guys too le..hey u remeber the mushroom sauce we ate in the 12?? hehe...i guess i noe how to make it le.. =P
O_O u know?
eh recipe!
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