Monday, March 19, 2007

Cooking Class

i had done a lot of things over the past weeks so i am gonna divided them into several posts.

i will start off with my cooking class that i had skip until i finally went to attend for the first time on 11 March 07. Can't blame me for being lazy, morning class started at 8 a.m. le & afternoon class started at 2 p.m. i was scheduled to attend the afternoon class. As semangat as i am in learning the art of cooking, i just can't bring myself to climb out of my warm & cosy bed on a Sunday morning at 7+ a.m.! So i had been missing a lot of lessons already until the cooking teacher finally called me up & told me to attend class -_-"

I told her i can't attend the afternoon lessons due to some matters so she asked me to attend the morning class instead. Sigh, morning class ar, means i have to wake up that early on a Sunday le!

My brother keep saying "It's Sunday le. You know what's Sunday for? Its for you to sleep"
My dad, on the other hand commented "your mom already so good in cooking, what for go learn from others again"
My mom " learn other type of cooking also not bad"

So early early i woke up that Sunday, (sigh) and ended up being the first student to arrive O.O

Wahlau eh, apparently, most students will be late but the teacher would go ahead and teach anyway, the late one rugi a little lo.

Ok so the cooking class wasn't exactly what i had imagined it to be. I used to be in the Home Sci club back in STPRI and there were many tables for each students de.. but this.... there is only one long table and we, students here mainly assist (like cracking eggs, cutting meats etc) the teacher in her cooking and see how she do it.

Our lessons:-

Chocolate Cakes


Chicken with Cashew Nut
Kiwi Pudding

The recipes our teacher gave us was written in Malay so i have to guess around. hehe
Class ends roughly before 11 a.m. We each took our share home. When i reached home, my bro was still sleeping. 幸福的家伙!!

Next lesson will start on 31 March i think since its school holiday =P


Anonymous said...

Looks yummy~
Too bad u can't sleep till late..
LOL~~(i'm sooO evil)

Thanis Lim said...

Wah cooking classes! If me also won't go for morning shift! lol

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